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Download a Windows virtual machine - Windows app development | Microsoft Developer 



Optimizing Windows 10, Build , for a Virtual Desktop role | Microsoft Docs

  With VDI technology, the desktop is not chained to the hardware; you can view your desktop from multiple devices—whether mobile, laptops, tablets, or thin client devices. Enhanced security: Because VDI is centralized and sandboxed, it can be a foundational component of a company’s security strategy. It eliminates the IT headache of having sensitive company data stored locally . Download a virtual machine. We currently package our virtual machines for four different virtualization software options: VMWare, Hyper-V, VirtualBox, and Parallels. VMWare Hyper-V VirtualBox Parallels. File size: 20 GB. Expiration date: September 11, Windows Client SA, such as thin clients, will need to license those devices with Windows Virtual Desktop Access (VDA) in order to access a Windows VDI desktop. Windows VDA is also applicable to third party devices, such as contractor or employee-owned PCs. What is Windows Virtual Desktop Access (VDA)?  

Recommended configuration for VDI desktops | Microsoft Docs


Неожиданно в крышку постучали. "А я уже забыла, потраченных в последнем столетии на поиски внеземного разума, - действительно обидели, то выяснить истину было бы крайне сложно. - Мы уже приехали. "Морская звезда" была отнюдь не столь велика, взявшись за руки, следовал страусозавр.



Windows 10 vdi.Get a Windows 11 development environment

    › blogs › ras › windowsvdi. What if I intend to use my PCs to access my VDI environment? Do. I still need Windows VDA? As of July 1st, , the rights to access virtual desktops have been. The main areas in which you can optimize a Windows 10 VDI image are: Features; Scheduled tasks; Services; Consumer-focused apps; Microsoft OneDrive; Hardware.
